
5 Reasons Why No One Responds to Your Emails

Bojana Perović

Career coach & Talent Acquisition Specialist

5 Reasons Why No One Responds to Your Emails

If you are applying for jobs but no one is responding to your emails, stay with us until the end of the blog because you will find out why that is. 

This is about the first digital coach based on artificial intelligence, called the Jobiri

Jobiri offers you the opportunity to create a CV in 15 minutes once you create a free profile on the platform, prepare for job interviews through video training, watch video lessons on job searching, and discover over 100,000 job opportunities from the region, all in one place.

Now that you've discovered Jobiri, let's return to the topic of emails that go unanswered! I choose this topic because (unfortunately) it remains relevant, and several of you have shared during consultations through the "100 coffees with a recruiter" project that you find yourselves in such unpleasant situations.

So why would someone decide not to respond to your email?

There are several possible reasons, and we'll go through some of them.

1. 200 other people have applied for the same job!

Recruiters typically receive between 20 to 50 job applications per day, making it simply impractical to respond to each email, as CV screening is just a small part of their job. 

Moreover, if you've sent an outdated CV that doesn't leave an impression, lacks a call to action, or something that grabs attention, don't be disappointed if you don't get a response—others have done it better!

The competition is fierce, and you must do everything possible to somehow stand out.

2. You applied for every possible job.

This is one of the most common mistakes you make—you apply for every open position, thinking "if it works, it works!" This can give the impression of a desperate person who has no clear idea of what they want to do. Frankly, this scares employers!

Similarly, it also indicates that you're not carefully reading job ads and don't value the recruiter's time, who will just roll their eyes when they see that you've AGAIN applied for a job that doesn't match your experience. 

So, the message is clear: don't apply to every single job ad, especially those that require skills, experience, or education you don't have. You're shooting in the dark and wasting bullets in vain!

What if you don't have experience but have tremendous enthusiasm?

Invest time in crafting a quality CV that conveys your passion! Read career blogs (like this one, for example), and explore numerous YouTube channels, podcasts, and influencers where you can learn. 

If you have the budget, consider getting support from a professional mentor, as it will save you years of wandering. One such career mentor platform is the Jobiri the self-service platform we mentioned earlier.


3. You always send the same CV

If you're among those who send the same CV to all employers, it's no wonder you're not getting responses to your emails. 

We've written about how to create a CV that recruiters actually read in this Instagram post, and we'll cover it in upcoming blogs as well. For now, it's important to know that you need to tailor your CV for each position you apply for! 

For example, in your CV sent for marketing positions, emphasize your experiences related specifically to that role and showcase concrete results of your work in that field. Allocate less space to other work experiences in that CV. Personalize your CV, use the tone and language of the employer, and you can even play around with incorporating colors used by the employer into your CV.

4. You don't send a cover letter

Recruiters love to read cover letters, as long as it doesn't just repeat what's in your CV. No one wants to read the same story twice. 

A cover letter is your chance to tell your story, explain gaps in your CV, highlight achievements, and convey your personality. If it's well-written, it's more likely to get you a job interview than your CV alone.

Your application, including your CV and cover letter, is your personal brand and the first impression of you.

You have 7-20 seconds to make that first impression. 

Make an effort to capture attention for at least 10 seconds, and call to action!

5. You don't know business etiquette

In translation: you send an email without a subject.

Or even worse – you send an email without any text. It doesn't matter if the job ad says "...send CV to xxx@xxx" – that's not a reason to send an empty email with the CV attached. It's like entering someone's house, walking past them, and sprawling on their sofa. Without saying "hello." Quite literally.

✅ Greet the person you're emailing.
✅ Introduce yourself.
✅ Pay attention to new paragraphs.
✅ Watch out for grammatical errors.
✅ Watch out for capital letters.
✅ Sign off at the end of the email.
✅ Thank them for their time.

And of course – double-check that you attached the correct document 🙂 

These are just some of the reasons why your emails go unanswered, and while the reason could be anything, by following these tips diligently, you'll increase your chances of getting a job interview. 

But if your situation is specific and you want to get advice from a mentor completely free of charge, sign up for free consultations as part of the "100 coffees with a recruiter" project.

You can find out more about the project HERE

Bojana Perović

I am Bojana and together with the Minuta do posla team, I have been researching careers and writing a blog about it for 8 years.

I am a certified NLB consultant, which means that, if you choose me as your mentor, with the help of a simple questionnaire I can peek into your mind, discover how you process information, make important decisions and behave in the workplace.

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