
Find a job faster and smarter!

Jobiri platform uses scraper that collects job ads from different platforms from the region! Every day we offer you over 150.000 job opportunities in one place.

What is Jobiri?

JOBIRI is an online platform where you can find all jobs in one place, create a CV and cover letter in 15 minutes, prepare for a job interview with the help of a video interview tool, and watch video lessons on career development, job hunting and negotiation.

What does Jobiri contain?

140+ video lessons

Video lessons based on recruiter strategies, techniques, and tips that will help you define your career path.

Interview training

More than 250 potential questions and answers await you! Record your responses, evaluate your presentation, and conquer interview jitters!

Job search

Our web scraper collects job offers from other platforms in the region, so you can find literally everything in one place!

Resume and cover letter writing

Utilize the most effective templates and artificial intelligence algorithms to optimize your CV, with over 650,000 available combinations

24/7 support

Our little robot never sleeps and doesn't know different time zones. You can reach out to it anytime!

What do to next?

  • Create account on on Jobiri - you need a couple of minutes.
  • Access to 150.000 job opportunities each day.
  • Activate additional tools for resume, cover letter and interview training - small investment for big results.

Who needs Jobiri?

Job seekers

Jobiri is designed for those seeking jobs, willing to invest time and money in career development, and aiming to achieve their goals independently with a little help from an online mentor.


Kompanijama koje zapošljavaju i traže mjesto za oglašavanje radnih mjesta. Jobiri pomaže da izgrade employer brand, nudeći pristup bazi od preko 100.000 kandidata iz cijele Evrope, i razne alate za veću vidljivost


Jobiri is used by schools and universities in Montenegro and Italy, as well as youth centers, municipalities, employment bureaus, and other institutions involved in career education and employment.

Borrow proven strategies from career advisors

Access the most comprehensive video course for job seekers, consisting of over 140 lessons dedicated to strategies, techniques, and tips for faster and easier job hunting. This course has been developed by experienced career coaches and recruiters to help you unlock your career potential and fully leverage your talents.