Ko smo mi?

We Connect the Right People with the Right Careers!

Meet Bojana

Ja sam Bojana i zadnjih 6 godina zajedno sa timom iza brenda “Minuta do posla” istražujem karijere drugih ljudi! 

Prije toga sam radila puno poslova kao studentkinja Psihologije u Rimu, ali je na mene ostavio najveći trag posao u kompaniji Disney – zapravo je intervju sa njima probudio u meni interesovanje a kasnije i ljubav prema regrutaciji kao pravcu razvoja karijere! 

Nakon što sam se oprobala radeći par agencijskih i nekoliko freelance poslova, osnovala sam Minutu u svom rodnom Nikšiću, sa idejom da bude prepoznata kao zabavna agencija za zapošljavanje. Posle više od 3000 intervjuisanih kandidata otkrila sam mnogo tajni koje su mi omogućile da počnem ozbiljnije da se bavim karijerom drugih ljudi i osnaživanjem timova. 

Sve je počelo sa blogom Kafa sa regruterom kroz koji sam otkrila da naprosto volim da dijelim sa drugima ideje o tome kako da ostavite snažan trag u svijetu tehnologije, upravljate svojom karijerom u inovativnim kompanijama, ili vas inspirisati da potražite vaše mjesto pod freelancerskim suncem 💪

Često me možete upoznati na radionicama i seminarima u vezi sa razvojem karijere. Do sada sam kao trener ili mentor na 40+ događaja imala priliku da upoznam preko 3500 ljudi koji traže ili mijenjaju posao, i pomognem im da praktično primijene sve ono o čemu govorim.

Sa kolegom Giorgio Consoli iz Career Paths osmislila sam interaktivan kurikulum predmeta “Career design: Strategy and Tools”, koji danas nudimo višim školama i univerzitetima u Italiji u vidu izbornog predmeta tokom osnovnih studija.

Sertifikovani sam NBI savjetnik, što znači da uz pomoć jednostavnog upitnika mogu da zavirim u vaš mozak, otkrijem kako obrađujete informacije i kako se ponašate u timu, kako donosite važne odluke, i gotovo nepogrešivo predvidim koje je pravo zanimanje za vas. Ovaj „tajni sos“, zasnovan na neuronauci, je toliko precizan da ćete pomisliti da počinjem da vam čitam misli, i ostati bez teksta 🙂

Ne vjerujete? Pišite mi na bojana@minutadoposla.com

How we see the future

Imagine a world where everyone wakes up excited every morning because they are doing a job they love! 

  • My team and I want to change the way career is talked about. 
  • We want those looking for a job to finally understand that they can and should plan their careers.
  • We want companies to learn how to choose the right employees for their team.
  • We aim to reach as many schools and universities as possible to help students start thinking about career development in time.

Our partners

We have collaborated with many companies and organizations from Montenegro and the region, bu also Europe, USA and Asia, and here are some of them:

  • Career Paths
  • Hipotekarna banka
  • Univerzitet Crne Gore
  • Jobiri
  • Maverick Consulting
  • Sve za razvoj
  • FitCamp Montenegro
  • Unija mladih preduzetnika Crne Gore
  • Coca Cola
  • HR World
  • Holini
  • Alumil
  • NDI
  • Arthur Technologies
  • Megarama Games
  • IPC Tehnopolis
  • Opština Nikšić
  • EYCA
  • Unicef
  • Caritas
  • AprioriBiH
  • UNDP
  • Unija srednjoškolaca Crne Gore
  • Omladinski Centar Podgorica
  • NVO Forum
  • Agile Management
  • Localization Academy
  • Omladinski Klub Budva
  • E.I.C. Dienstleinstungs
  • The Hospitality Company
  • Kontext Vrabotuvanje
  • One & Only Montenegro
  • American Corner
  • Comune di Lecco
  • Turistički centar Vučje
  • Represent Communications
  • Business Improvement Organization of Montenegro (BIOM)

Our 5 values

We Work Remotely!
At Minuta, we believe that efficiency comes from expertise, dedication, and team spirit, regardless of whether we work from home or the office. For us, working from home is not just an option but also an opportunity for creativity and productivity. We encourage authenticity and comfort, whether you're in your home or office. That's why we support remote work because we believe success knows no bounds.

We Foster Authenticity
Every client is a story of their own, and we value that. We believe that everyone has a unique story that deserves to be told. We enjoy designing a special program after getting to know the client, because we understand that there are no universal solutions when it comes to teams or careers. We listen, understand, and shape strategies that reflect individual goals and values. Our messages are inspirational, authentic, and unique, because we talk about what other recruiters remain silent on.

We Promote Lifelong Learning 
For us, upskilling is not just a phrase, but our passion. We realize that the world is changing rapidly, so we strive to keep our clients up to date. We also have a modest budget that we use for our improvement, so colleagues and closest associates can choose from whom and how to learn, thereby encouraging their further development and helping them be better at their job every day.

We Encourage Out-of-the-Box Thinking 
We believe that there are no stupid ideas. In fact, we actively encourage unconventional approaches. We always look a step (or two) ahead, understanding that innovation is born outside the conventional frames. We listen to each other and seek creative solutions together. Our ability to think outside the box has helped us improve many remote teams in various companies around the world.

We Understand Each Other
We use NBI as a secret recipe for understanding our colleagues! We know which hemisphere of the brain each of our colleagues uses, and we strive to understand how they make decisions, organize their work, absorb information, and delegate tasks! This makes us a more efficient team because we rely on a deep understanding of each other to achieve common goals.

Some of our projects

Why We Should Be Your Choice

Because we look at employment from three key angles.

We apply the "whole-brain thinking" methodology in all aspects of our work. We strive to discover which side of the brain our associates and clients predominantly use because we do not believe in universal careers or strategies that work for everyone. That's why we tailor every process and program to the needs of those we work with. 

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