Data Analyst: a career for those who love numbers

Bojana Perović

Career coach & Talent Acquisition Specialist

Build a career in uncovering the potential hidden behind numbers and graphs!

Data analyst ili analitičar podataka je postalo veoma traženo i popularno zanimanje jer gotovo sve kompanije prikupljaju i analiziraju podatke kako bi dobile konkurentsku prednost i shvatile u kom smjeru trebaju da idu.

Data analysts simply must be enthusiasts for numbers, so if numbers are your strong suit, keep reading.

Who is a Data Analyst?

Data analytics – that magical skill of transforming data into useful information – has become the heart of modern business 😍

Data analysts help companies and organizations make smart decisions. Let's say you own a dessert shop and want to find out which ice cream flavors are most popular among your customers. A data analyst would gather data on which flavors people buy the most, then analyze this data and discover the most favored ice cream flavor. This way, they help you make decisions about which ice cream you should produce more of to keep your customers happy.

Data analysts are people who use mathematics, statistics, and technology to analyze vast amounts of data and discover patterns, trends, and hidden truths. Their analyses help companies make smart decisions, optimize operations, and adapt to changing market conditions.

What are the key skills of a successful Data Analyst?

A career as a Data Analyst requires diverse skills that combine technical knowledge and analytical thinking. Here are some key technical skills that are essential for success in this field:

  • Knowledge of programming languages for data analysis such as Python, R, or SQL.
  • Understanding of statistical methods and techniques applied in data analysis.
  • Ability to visualize data and convey complex results in a simple and understandable manner.

Besides these technical skills, to be a good analyst you also need to possess:

  • Communication skills that enable collaboration with different teams and interpretation of client needs.
  • Analytical skills and the ability to think critically as well as the ability to identify important trends, cause-and-effect relationships, and potential problems.
  • Problem-solving skills: Data analysts often face complex problems that require creative and innovative thinking.
  • Attention to detail: Working with data requires carefulness and precision. Data analysts must pay attention to details to ensure the accuracy and reliability of their analyses.


The Importance of Data Analytics in Modern Business

In today's digital age, data has become an indispensable resource for companies, especially in the field of marketing. These "number researchers" in marketing use special tools to collect and review data about people who use the company's products or services. Based on this data, they help the company understand what people like, what they need, and how to better address them.

The first task of data analysts is to identify patterns in these numbers. For example, they may notice that many people started buying a product when its price was reduced or after seeing an ad on social media. These patterns help the company know what is working well and what can be improved.

The second task is to group people based on similarities (segmentation). For instance, they may find that younger people prefer product A, while older individuals prefer product B. This helps the company understand who their target group is and how best to address them.

Additionally, data analysts help the company hear the voice of the customer. They monitor comments, ratings, and feedback from people about products and services. This way, the company can better understand what people like and what they want to change.

Data analysts also help the company see how much money it gets back for its investment in marketing. They track how many new people started buying a product after an advertisement and how much this increased revenue. This is important because it helps the company understand which campaigns are most successful and where it is spending its money most effectively.

From discovering consumer trends to optimizing business processes, data analytics has a wide range of applications in various industries.

How to Become a Data Analyst and Where to Look for Jobs?

It should be noted that Data Analysis is a very broad field and there are a huge number of positions in which you can specialize. But, to start, if you are drawn to data analytics and want to begin a career in this area, here are a few steps that can help you on your journey:

  • Acquiring Relevant Skills: In addition to programming and statistics, refine your data analysis skills through practical projects and courses (in our research for this blog, we came across a freeCodeCamp course on Python Data Analysis, which you might want to check out:
  • Practical Experience: Gaining practical experience through internships or volunteering increases your chances of employment. If your friend owns a company, ask if you can “play” with data. All this will help you create a portfolio of your projects to showcase your abilities to potential employers.
  • Stay Informed: Keeping up with the latest trends and technologies in the field of data analytics will help you remain competitive in the job market.

A data analyst can look for jobs on various platforms and places. Here are three popular freelance platforms where data analysts can find jobs:

  • Upwork is one of the largest and best-known freelancing platforms. Here, data analysts can create their profile, showcase their skills and experience, and apply for various projects and jobs that match their interests.
  • Freelancer is another well-known platform that connects freelancers with employers around the world. Data analysts can review available projects, offer their services, and apply for jobs that involve data analysis.
  • Fiverr is a platform that focuses on various creative services, but also offers opportunities for data analysts. Here you can create your profile, highlight your data analysis skills, and offer various services as a freelancer.


Besides these platforms, data analysts can also use LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and other specialized sites and social networks to expand their network and find interesting business opportunities.

How much do Data Analysts typically earn?

The job market for this position is extremely good, and forecasts indicate that the demand for this type of expert will continue to grow. According to a report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment is expected to grow by 31% from 2019 to 2029, which is much higher than the average for all occupations.

Freelancers in the region for this position typically ask for €15 – €25 per hour, while in the West, rates can go up to €50 per hour.


A career as a Data Analyst can be a great choice for those who love challenges and find meaning in numbers. Their ability to discover the hidden potential in data makes them an indispensable resource for companies that want to improve their business. With the upcoming digital expansions, the demand for data analysts will surely increase, making this career more attractive and promising for future professionals.

Next week, we look forward to a new topic in our series on tech careers. Until then, stay inspired and open to new opportunities in the world of technology (and send suggestions for interesting careers that we want to cover at )

Bojana Perović

I am Bojana and together with the Minuta do posla team, I have been researching careers and writing a blog about it for 8 years.

I am a certified NLB consultant, which means that, if you choose me as your mentor, with the help of a simple questionnaire I can peek into your mind, discover how you process information, make important decisions and behave in the workplace.

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