

Book a 90-minute personalized consultation with Bojana to tackle your career challenges and unlock new opportunities

  • You've seen a job posting that seems tailored to you, and you need someone to take a look at your CV and help you improve your cover letter.
  • You have an important job interview coming up, and you need someone to practice with and prepare adequately.
  • You have a LinkedIn profile, but you need an experienced person to review it and suggest changes.
  • You don't know how to behave or what to post on LinkedIn.
  • You've been considering a career change for a while, but you don't know where to start. 
  • You know there are plenty of remote jobs available, but you're unsure of your calling.
  • ...Or you have any other career-related concerns!

If so, I believe I can help you overcome these challenges!

Consultations will last for 90 minutes; mainly because each of us has unique needs and goals, and also because I'm not someone who fits into a 60-minute mold, and I have too much information to share with you 🙂

Of course, I understand that deciding to invest in personal development is an important step, and I want you to be confident in the value our consultations provide.

The price of consultations starting at €150 reflects not only the conversation with someone more experienced than you but also the ideas, techniques, and tools you'll receive during our meeting, as well as the long-term value and changes you can achieve in your career.

This is one of those things that the longer you postpone, the harder it gets, and the deeper you sink... So, decide to tackle your career challenges TODAY!

After you fill out the questionnaire below, I'll assess whether we're compatible and how we can work together. After that, you'll receive payment instructions and a Google Meet meeting invitation.