For job seekers

Are you ready to write your career story from scratch?

It’s never too late to find a better job or improve your career, so take a look how we can help you with that

Not sure which career is right for you?

We understand that fear of going down the wrong path again. We will look into your brain and discover a career that is just right for you!

Need a new resume?

Posle naše magije, vaš CV nikad više neće završiti u kanti za smeće, a vaše motivaciono pismo će regruteri čitati kolegama uz kafu.

Treba vam pomoć pri donošenju važne životne odluke?

Uz pomoć NBI alata mapiramo vaš mozak i pomažemo vam da odaberete karijeru, zaposlene, biznis koji vam leži, školu ili fakultet, i još mnogo toga!

Anxious before a job interview?

Don't worry, we'll prepare you to answer literally every question you get, and negotiate the earnings you deserve!

Don't know how to use Linkedin?

After we optimize your profile, your chance of being noticed will increase by as much as 150% and the number of job offers will increase at least twice!

Got a ton of career or business related questions?

Consulting sessions are the right thing for you! We talk about a topic of your interest - from entrepreneurship, freelancing, through market research... contact us and let’s get down to business!