
You don't need to know how to write a CV.

Save your energy for the interview. Leave the CV creation to professional recruiters.


CVs written over the past 3 years


After our magic, people have an average of 3 times more interviews than before.


More than 80% of our clients found a new job within three months after receiving their new CV.


Our clients have, on average, increased their salary by 20% after presenting themselves with a new CV!

We work with people from various industries including IT, marketing, HR, hospitality, healthcare, education, and many others.

Šaljete CV na milion adresa ali - odgovora nema?

It's very possible that the problem isn't you, but your CV. 

Our clients have realized that they don't need to send the same CV to every employer, and today they work in companies such as Google, Coca Cola, Lidl, Ryanair, Sheraton, Hilton, The Ritz Carlton, and many others!

Who needs CV creation?

CV nije samo radna biografija, već vaš marketing materijal koji vas predstavlja kad vi niste tu! Ako vam je ova informacija nova – onda ste među onima kojima je potrebna izrada CV-a.

We have interviewed over 3000 people, and we know exactly what recruiters look for in a CV!

Bilo da ste početnici i tražite svoj prvi posao, iskusni ljudi koji prave zaokret u karijeri, ili profesionalci kojima je potreban moderan i efikasan CV – naša usluga je skrojena za vas!

What exactly do you get if you order CV creation?

Očekujte rast samopouzdanja jer ćemo istaći vaša konkretna postignuća! Bićete u fazonu: jesam li ovo stvarno ja?

Bićete primijećeni!
Vaš CV će odmah upasti u oči poslodavcima, bez potrebe da prolazite kroz stotine pokušaja.

There's no copy-paste with us because every career is unique in its own way.

Also, in case you're wondering... we write it, not ChatGPT 🙂 

Vaš CV će biti prilagođen za kompjuterski softver (ATS) koji filtrira prijave. To znači da vas neki tamo softver neće eliminisati iz selekcije!

It will bring you interviews much sooner than your old Europass CV. Don't believe it? Give it a try!

Vaš CV je gotov za 2 radna dana, a po potrebi (i uz doplatu) možemo da radimo i brže 🙂

Vaš CV će izgledati besprekorno, čak i ako niste dizajner!

Ne morate svaki put da nas plaćate kad vam treba neka izmjena. Dobićete link ka otključanom CV-u.

Kako izgleda izrada CV-a?

Prikupljamo informacije...

Nakon uplate, šaljete nam stari CV ili popunjavate naš upitnik

Istražujemo i analiziramo

istražujemo tržište i analiziramo vaša ključna postignuća

Pišemo, pišemo, pišemo...

Pišemo tekst koji ističe vaša postignuća i konkretne rezultate


Kreiramo vaš novi CV u PowerPoint-u ili Canvi, izbor je na vama

Šaljemo prvu verziju

Analiziramo zajedno novi CV i dovodimo ga do savršenstva!

Cjenovnik usluga


  • 0-2 godine iskustva
  • Prvi posao, pripravnik, ili student/novi diplomac koji ulazi u svijet rada
  • Do 4 radne pozicije
  • 1 stranica

Srednji nivo

  • 2-6 godina iskustva
  • Koordinator, menadžer malog tima, ili specijalista u određenoj oblasti
  • Do 6 radnih pozicija
  • 1 ili 2 stranice


  • 6+ godina iskustva
  • Senior menadžer, direktor, lider u industriji, ili specijalista sa dubokom ekspertizom
  • Neograničen broj radnih pozicija
  • 2-3 stranice


We can write your new CV in Montenegrin / Serbian, Croatian, English, Italian, or German.

Da, imamo posebne cijene za pakete usluga, a CV možete da kombinujete sa izradom motivacionog pisma, Linkedin profila, pripreme za razgovor za posao ili konsultacijama za razvoj i promjenu karijere. Pogledajte naše ostale pakete

Plaćanje se vrši uplatom po fakturi, ili putem Stripe-a.

In the first 30 days, you can contact us for any text corrections on your CV. Along with the CV, you will also receive a guide on how to do this independently after the 30-day period expires.

We are professional recruiters with a lot of experience and knowledge in creating CVs that attract employers' attention. This means you'll have a better chance of getting the job you want and negotiating a higher salary from the start. So, you're paying for our experience, time invested, and professional service. If you think you can do it all yourself – we're thrilled! It means we're on track to achieve our mission of making job searching fun and easy for everyone! 🙂

Your wish is our command! We create all types of CVs and biographies: for scholarships, exchanges, website bios, projects, and more. Just write to us, and we'll sort everything out!

Your CV opens (or closes) the doors of the company you're applying to, and its job is to secure you a job interview.