
Accelerate Your Job Search with the Career Booster Package

Everything you need for a successful job application in one place!


enhanced Resumes


personalized Cover letters


more job Interview invitations


of clients employed within 3 months


increase in LinkedIn profile views

Designed by successful recruiters

If you want to make a strong professional impression, the Career Booster is the package that will truly help you achieve it! Our experienced recruiters will write your Resume, Cover letter, and LinkedIn profile, increasing your chances at job interviews (for which we will also prepare you!)

Results you will achieve

  • Increase your chances of getting job interview invites
  • Find the job that matches your ambitions faster
  • Improve your negotiation skills
  • Unlock new opportunities with firsthand tips

Let’s prepare you to confidently search for a job

Did you know that people with a quality Resume have more confidence at job interviews? Those with higher self-belief successfully negotiate higher salaries because they know exactly what they bring to the table. Do you want to be one of those candidates?

Your resume is not your work biography.

You didn’t know? Your Resume is your marketing material that represents you when you're not there! If this information is new to you - you might be among those with an outdated Resume that urgently needs an update :)

  • Incredible confidence boost 
  • Unique design without using templates
  • Optimized to pass all software
  • Quick production  
  • Free update in the first 30 days

A Cover letter is not a letter about you!

Shocking, right? If your current cover letter looks like a rehashed CV and tells a story about you, rather than about the employer, prepare for a moment of self-reflection - you might have missed key opportunities that could have changed your life!?

  • Focus on your achievements 
  • Authentic style of expression
  • Uniqueness and originality  
  • Quick production

87% of recruiters FIRST visit a candidate's LinkedIn profile

We search for candidates on LinkedIn every day and have contacted over 35,000 people through this network! We fully understand what kind of LinkedIn profile attracts recruiters, so we'll use keywords to make your profile one of the first in search results!

  • A professional profile that catches the attention of employers
  • Ideas for better visibility on the platform
  • Increased number of profile views in just 10 days

70% of people prepare for job interviews incorrectly

Through role play, we reveal key strategies that 90% of your competitors don't know. By practicing with us, you'll become an interviewing master, knowing how to "get into the head" of recruiters and handle any situation.

  • Simulation of online job interviews
  • Verbal feedback on what needs improvement
  • Personalized career advice
  • Assistance in identifying and targeting the right opportunities

Professional Resume

We've interviewed over 3,000 individuals and know precisely what recruiters look for in a resume. We'll use this insight to craft the perfect resume for you!

Vrijednost 60-100€

Cover / Motivational letter

Your cover letter is your chance to stand out. That's why we'll ensure it's something recruiters will remember.

Value: €50

Linkedin profile + banner + optimization

Your LinkedIn profile is your digital reputation, your chance to make a fantastic first impression on employers, colleagues, and potential contacts.

Value: €180

Mock Interview + Interview coaching (90min)

Our experience will help you answer key employer questions and draw attention with your unique qualifications.

Value: €150


Zamislite da dobijete listu poslova, pozicija i kompanija koje odmah čekaju vašu prijavu, bez da provedete sate u pretraživanju!

Kao dio našeg CAREER BOOSTER paketa, sada dobijate i upravo takvu listu kao bonus.

Poklanjamo vam 2 sata našeg vremena (što inače naplaćujemo 200€), i nudimo spisak od 5-7 poslova, pozicija i kompanija, sa kontakt podacima i linkovima.

Ukupna vrijednost paketa: 680€

Launch your career for just €299

Who is Career Booster For?

Professionals in career transition

Job seekers

Those applying for scholarships, studies, or student exchange programs

Recent graduates entering the job market

Anyone looking to accelerate their career development and build a strong personal brand


We understand some of you might only need a resume or cover letter. In that case, we suggest booking a consultation, so we can help you write your own. A 90-minute consultation costs €150 and includes written revision of your material.

If you prefer to work independently, we suggest registering on the Jobiriwhere you can create a resume in less than 30 minutes!

Može! Radićemo istraživanje tržišta i poslati vam listu u roku od 48h. Ovu uslugu naplaćujemo po satu, pišite nam za više informacija.

Your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile will be ready within 3 working days from receiving all necessary information. For urgent requests, we offer an expedited service for an additional fee.

Every document we create is fully customized to your professional profile and career goals. We don't use generic templates; each client receives individual attention to highlight their unique achievements and skills.

Yes, we offer our clients the opportunity to make changes at no extra cost within the next 30 days after the document is created. Additionally, you'll receive a manual with instructions on how to adjust your resume in PowerPoint yourself.

Optimization includes creating profile text and editing the profile on the platform itself, along with advice for improving visibility and smart networking on LinkedIn.

The preparation is conducted via Zoom or Google Meet and lasts 90 minutes. You can use it within 30 days from the start of our cooperation and signing the contract. The first part of the consultation simulates an interview, and the remaining time is used to provide feedback and help you improve your performance.

If you're not preparing for a specific interview, we can use this session for consultations to identify your career goals and advise on leveraging your LinkedIn profile.

Typically, we require 3 working days to prepare your marketing materials. Unfortunately, we cannot assist with tighter deadlines.