
Don't Google How to Write a Professional LinkedIn Profile

As recruiters, we spend over 5 hours a day on LinkedIn; let us introduce you to the professional network the right way!


greater visibility on LinkedIn profiles


LinkedIn profiles have passed through our hands


more connection requests after optimization

Type your name into Google. What do you see?

Your LinkedIn profile is your online reputation, the first thing that appears when someone searches your name on Google.

87% of recruiters FIRST visit a candidate's LinkedIn profilebefore deciding whether to invite them for an interview. Think of LinkedIn as a digital business card that opens doors to job offers. 

We're recruiters - we know all the tricks!

Every day, we search for candidates on LinkedIn, and so far, we've contacted over 35,000 people through this network! We fully understand what kind of LinkedIn profile attracts recruiters, and we'll use keywords to make your profile pop up among the top search results!

Who is this package for?

If your current LinkedIn profile looks like a boring biography that talks exclusively about you, it's time for a transformation. Whether you're currently job hunting or just want to stand out in the world of business contacts, a professional LinkedIn profile is for you!

  • Active job seekers 
  • For career changers
  • Fresh and/or aspiring entrepreneurs
  • Professionals looking to expand their business network 
  • Freelancers aiming for knowledge and experience exchange
  • Those looking to build a strong personal brand

Why should you work with us?

When writing your LinkedIn profile, we use our recruitment expertise to present you in the best light to employers. This means your profile will truly shine among other candidates.

Our team researches your competitors and writes content that stands out on LinkedIn. Your profile won't be just another one in the crowd; you'll get noticed! you will be noticed!

Through careful optimization with keywords, you'll be visible online, and recruiters will easily find you. This means more interview opportunities!

To save your time, after your approval you share your login with us, and we make changes directly. It means that you don't waste your time on data entry and boring settings.

After optimization, you can expect at least a 100% increase in your profile views in just 7 days, if you follow our guidelines

You choose the language: We write in English, Montenegrin/Serbian/Croatian, or Italian, tailored to your needs.

Once your profile is ready, we teach you how to fully embrace this network in a 60-minute session. 

What do you get in the LinkedIn package?

Investing in your LinkedIn profile is not just an investment in your digital presence; it's an investment in your career and future. That's why we've created a complete package of services designed to transform your LinkedIn profile and tell the story you want the world to hear.

Here's what you get in our exclusive LinkedIn package:

Text for your LinkedIn profile

Vaš Linkedin profil je vaša šansa da ostavite fantastičan prvi utisak na poslodavce, kolege i potencijalne kontakte.

 Zato je važno da imate moćan naslov, About Me sekciju i jasno iskazane rezultate vašeg rada!

Ovim vam štedimo najmanje 2h vremena ili 100€+ koliko naplaćuju copywriteri.

LinkedIn banner

The human eye naturally focuses on images, so your profile and background photos will be in the spotlight. 

We'll design your banner to reflect your key message and hold attention!

This will save you at least €40, which would be charged by a designer for this service.

Optimizacija profila

For recruiters to be able to find you, your profile must be optimized for search.

Sve dokumentujemo kroz screenshot-ove i  dobijate dokument sa detaljnim objašnjenjima i instrukcijama.

This saves you 2 hours of time required for data entry and optimization.

Linkedin čas

Nakon optimizacije profila, morate da budete aktivni na mreži da biste povećali vidljivost. 

Bojana vas uči kako da tražite posao ili poslovne partnere, razgovarate o strategiji sadržaja i zajedno kreirate prvi LinkedIn post.

We normally charge €150 per hour for this, and in the package you get it for less than €50!

Unlock LinkedIn TODAY for just 199€

... or combine it with other packages

If you want to leave a strong professional impression, Career Booster is a package that will really make it happen! 

Resume Writing

Cover letter writing

LinkedIn profile optimization

Mock Interview (60min)

Package price: 299€

What will our cooperation look like?

1. You fill out our questionnaire

Through the questionnaire, we discover more about you, your goals, ambitions and what sets you apart from others. 

This will take you 15-20 min, and it is important that you share all the key information so that we can better customize your profile.

2. We research the market

To create a profile that stands out, we thoroughly research your competition. We want to understand the context in which you want to advance, so that we can adapt your LinkedIn profile to that situation.

This phase takes 60-120 minutes of our time.

3. We write the catchy text

Here we work to ensure that your profile copy reflects your personality and goals. We strive to create not just "another profile", but a profile that strongly communicates your story, passion and determination. 

This phase lasts between 60 and 180 minutes, depending on your years of experience, number of projects, complexity of the industry, etc.

4. You review the text

Once we've created the text, we send it to you for approval before we make the final changes to your profile, to make sure it describes your LinkedIn profile perfectly. 

We won't stop until you are completely satisfied!

5. We optimize your profile

You send us temporary login data, and we enter the text directly into your profile and optimize your profile for search. 

We document all the changes we make and deliver them to you in the form of screenshots in a Google document with further instructions and advice.

7. Linkedin power hour

We schedule a 60-minute lesson and you learn more about how to be active and behave on this network. 

There you will receive clear instructions on how to maintain your profile, how to connect with others, how to look for work or clients, as well as suggested topics to write about.

Furthermore, you do everything yourself 🙂 Follow your progress and report it to us according to the agreed dynamics. And if you need more help creating a content strategy and writing posts for LinkedIn, write to us!


If you've read carefully, you saw that addressing your goals is the first step 🙂 This means that, regardless of the purpose, we create a LinkedIn profile tailored to you, whether your goal is finding business opportunities, clients, promoting your services, building a strong personal brand, education, or networking with professionals on LinkedIn.

If you're a participant in our Career Design mentoring program or the Career Boost service package, you can receive an additional 25% discount on the LinkedIn package. 

Plaćanje se vrši uplatom po fakturi, ili putem Stripe-a.

Within the first 30 days, you can contact us for any text revisions. 

While not mandatory, a professional photo can significantly enhance your profile. We recommend having a high-quality photo that reflects a professional appearance, and you'll get a beautifully designed cover photo that matches your style from us.

After optimizing the profile, you can expect an increase in profile views and connection requests. We send you a table where you can enter analytics to track the visibility and progress of your profile.

Great question! While you can create your LinkedIn profile independently, working with a professional recruiter offers key advantages:

  • Our team has expertise and experience in recruitment and LinkedIn optimization. We know exactly how to attract recruiters' attention and stand out among the competition. 
  • Creating an effective and impressive LinkedIn profile requires time and effort. We take on this task so you can focus on your career.
  • A professionally created profile is more likely to attract recruiters and potential business contacts, potentially resulting in more job offers or business opportunities.
  • Your LinkedIn profile is part of your professional brand. Investing in a professional personal brand and your LinkedIn profile contributes to your career and visibility among professionals.