
Map your brain in only 20 minutes

As precise as EEG, but without electrodes. 

It doesn't hurt, and the results of the NBI assessment will change your life!

* Based on the neuroscience

of the clients say that the NBI has opened their eyes!

of the clients say that now they can better understand themselves and the others around

of the clients have found the ideal career after the NBI assessment

Here's what others say...

"Work and education developed in me the desire to constantly improve my knowledge about how our brain works and what it can do, in order to be as good and precise as possible in the work I do. When Bojana approached me with the story about the NBI tool, I was delighted even before I tried it on myself. After the assessment, the results clearly showed me my strengths and weaknesses. I found out that I am a left-brained person, who has also developed solid right-brainer skills in my work. I enjoyed this self-exploration and it helped me a lot in my future business ventures. I would recommend it to everyone, and especially to teams who, with the help of this tool, can clearly map the strengths and weaknesses of all team members and thus drastically improve performance. Also, I will definitely use this tool when hiring new employees to make a decision about who should stay in my team."
Andjela Djokic
Founder @ FitCamp Montenegro
"Several factors motivated me to take the NBI assessment - the desire to understand myself better, improve my work performance, make better decisions, and choose my career more carefully. My first impression was awe-inspiring! In my case, the assessment was absolutely accurate. Since the NBI assessment, I have a better understanding of how the brain hemispheres function, and I relate much better to people at work, in social settings, and within my family. I highly recommend the NBI assessment to anyone who feels the need to know themselves and their abilities better. I wish the fantastic 'Minuta do posla' team much success in your outstanding mission!"
Darko Scepanovic
"I'm overjoyed, because now I know that the university my child chose is the right one for him. Besides, we all noticed that now he communicates much better with us parents, as if he suddenly understands us 🙂 It's possible that the NBI is "to blame" for that. My husband and I will definitely do the NBI assessment, and we plan to do it for our younger child when she chooses a high school."
Andja J.
Mom of a student
"Trapped in a job I don't like is a sentence I'll never say again! I'm sure now I know which way I should continue on. I'm still keen on entrepreneurial waters, only now I have a clearer picture of what will go smoothly for me, and what will it take to delegate. I thought the NBI was just another test, but I realized that it is more than that. Everyone should profile their brain with the NBI at least once in 5 years, they will learn more about themselves than they think yes he can!"
Danka P.
Future entrepreneur
"After the assessment, I was pleasantly surprised because the results largely matched what I already knew about myself, while on the other hand, I realized which skills and traits I need to work on further. NBI™ has helped me handle problematic situations at work more easily, and now I focus on tasks I am more inclined towards. I believe I now make better decisions, both at work and in my personal life. Certainly, it's a very useful tool for better understanding not only my own way of thinking but also that of the people around me!"
Tanja Mijuskovic
German language teacher
"My NBI assessment was fantastic! Very accurate and precise. I immediately felt the benefits in my daily functioning after this assessment, especially in working with the team. Now I better understand my colleagues or friends in everyday communication, and I have improved relationships with my colleagues with the help of insights about my thinking preferences. I would recommend the NBI assessment to everyone, regardless of age and professional status."
Jelena K.

Is this you?

You get up excited about the day ahead, whether it's work, study or family. Everyone around you recognizes your talents and you feel that you are in your element. You communicate clearly and transparently with your boss, colleagues, friends and family members. You use all your key skills to the maximum - at work, in learning, leading a team or everyday challenges. You are proud of your successes and can't wait for tomorrow to continue what you started today. You earn more than enough or you feel that your creativity is leading you to something greater. The opportunities for growth and advancement are endless.

This is the life of our clients, who used the NBI assessment to discover their way of thinking and found the right path for themselves, whether in career, education or personal life.

If this is not what your day looks like, we can fix it!

Find the ideal career with NBI Adult and NBI Student assessment

Neethling Brain Instruments™ or shortly - the NBI is a series of questionnaires that map your brain and reveal the unique way you think. It is a tool based on the whole-brain thinking methodology, i.e. the use of all the capacities of our brain.

The NBI has been developed by Dr. Kobus Neethling, a expert for creativity, who spent decades the way our brains work when we come up with new ideas, solve problems or make big changes in our life. The NBI isn't a psychological test, nor one of those personality tests from magazines.. It is a practical questionnaire whose results help you to finally understand how your brain actually works when you make decisions, how you deal with problems and what are your strengths at work. 

Based on scientific facts about the brain!

Kobus Neethling was inspired by the research of Roger Sperry, who studied patients with surgically separated brain hemispheres, and this provided the basis for the development of the NBI, which recognizes different thinking styles:

  • Analytical thinking (those looking for facts, deadlines and numbers)
  • Process oriented thinking (good organization and clear steps)
  • Creative thinking (new ideas, looking for purpose, listening to intuition)
  • People-oriented thinking (inspired by social connection and new situations)

Here at Minuta we use this information to predict the job you'll be fulfilled with.

In addition, with additional tools such as NBI Leadership style, NBI Parenting style, NBI Innovator, NBI Creativity and other from the NBI palettes, we help managers to successfully discover how and to whom to delegate tasks, parents to better understand their children, and many other people to use their resources and energy in a smarter way.

Why is it important to think with the whole brain?

Different parts of your brain do different things. The left side likes analysis and logic, while the right side likes ideas, creativity and vision. If you only use one side, anything you decide will be either too creative (and your ideas go unrealized) or too logical (and you end up with something that doesn't fulfill you).

This is where the NBI comes in. This assessment will show you which parts of your brain you use the most, and which parts you neglect. When you figure out how to bring it all together, we get the full picture.

When it comes to making big decisions—like career choices or team members—it's important to use everything you have at your disposal. When you combine your logical side with your creative side, you can make decisions that are both practical and exciting When you choose a career in this way, it is easier to put that decision into action - because you are working with what is already natural to you.

Meet our NBI Practitioner

Hi, I'm Bojana. I say that I interfere in other people's careers 🙂 I am a certified NBI counselor, and I will guide you through the process of discovering the ideal job and career for you. 

By profession I am psychologistand I've combined my passion for developing career strategies and discovering new talents into a personal mission, which I'm developing through Minuta do posla brand.

As a experienced recruiter I learned many tricks that helped me develop into a professional career mentor. I am also author of the unique 1-on-1 mentoring program "Career Design", which I launched as an optional academic course at the Italian university SSML Carlo Bo. Today, I offer this program as a 1-on-1 mentoring.

Through the NBI assessment, I use my experience and knowledge to help you find a career that will fulfill you, but also to discover how to communicate in a language that everyone will understand!

Who is the NBI assessment for?

For children, university and high school students

When you are at the beginning of your career and you are not sure which school or college to enroll in, the NBI Student assessment will show you your natural talents and potential.

For career changers

You are unhappy at work, when your career is not aligned with your natural preferences. The NBI assessment tells you what jobs you need to do.

For marketers and those who write

If you want to tailor your writing style to analysts, creatives, or process-oriented people, NBI helps you create content that resonates with each of these groups.

For leaders and managers

Razumijevanje sopstvenog stila rukovođenja je ključno za uspješno vođenje tima. Osim toga, NBI procjena vam može pomoći pri odabiru pravih članova za vaš tim!

For parents and teachers

The NBI assessment will allow you to better understand your child or your students, discover their learning style and support them in the right way.

How NBI assessment solves your challenges

Career challenges - You don't know if the job you are doing is right for you? The NBI assessment helps you focus on jobs that suit your mindset, thereby reducing the chances of ending up in a career that drains you.

Poor communication with colleagues or clients - It often happens that we cannot "reach" some people. NBI Client Relationship Style and Business Relationship Style will help you understand them and adapt your communication.

Learning challenges - If you have the feeling that something is not working for you, the problem may be in the approach. NBI Learning Style reveals how to make the most of your learning style and organize all future lessons accordingly.

Doubt about choosing a school or college Choosing the right educational path can be difficult. NBI Student, NBI Senior Student, and NBI Young Child Indicator help you choose the school or college that will best support the development of your talents.

Frustration in managing a team Can't find a way to motivate your team? The NBI Leadership Style helps you adapt your leadership to the different mindsets of your employees.

Issues with creativity or innovation – If you feel like your ideas are blocked, or you keep hitting a wall, NBI Innovator and Creativity Style will show you how to get the best out of your mind.

Facilitates selection and delegation in companies - NBI assessment helps companies better understand the mindset of candidates, which facilitates the selection of the right person for the right role. It enables entrepreneurs and managers to know exactly to whom and how to delegate tasks, according to their natural inclinations and strengths.

2 ways of getting the results

First option is to order only your NBI profile, which is delivered to your email address in the form of a detailed written report. This option gives you basic insight into your mindset.

The other option is NBI profile + coaching session during which we will go over the results in detail. Not only will you understand how the NBI works and what it is based on, but we will do 3 practical exercises that will really open your eyes. With the support of a coach, you will discover where you may have made mistakes so far and how to apply the results in your everyday life and career. This session helps you create immediate strategies for change and improvement.

NBI Adult / Student profile

For adults, high school or university students
  • You fill out our request (below).
  • You receive a payment link
  • After you order your profile, we will send you the corresponding NBI questionnaire. It will take you 20 minutes to complete.
  • Once our team has reviewed the results, we will email you your NBI profile.
top seller

NBI Student profile + coaching

For high school and university students, and EYCA card owners
  • You fill out our request (below).
  • You receive a payment link
  • Depending on whether you are a high school student or a student, or an unemployed person up to the age of 25, we agree on the type of assessment
  • You schedule a coaching session with a mentor who introduces you to your profile and gives suggestions on which strategies to use next when choosing a career.
  • We send you your NBI profile by email.
  • You get a list of potential careers, according to your profile.

NBI Adult profil + koučing

For Adults
  • You fill out our request (below).
  • You receive a payment link
  • Depending on whether you are a leader, manager, unemployed person or something else, we agree on the type of assessment
  • You schedule a coaching session with a mentor who introduces you to your profile and gives suggestions on what strategies to use next in work or job search
  • We send you your NBI profile by email.
  • You get a list of potential careers, according to your profile.
  • According to your profile and goals, you get a homework.

Additional assessments for even deeper insight

Understanding your NBI Adult or NBI Student profile is just the beginning! 

With an additional fee of €79, you can expand your insight with additional assessments that help you advance specific aspects of your career or everyday life. Here's what else you can do with NBI

NBI Leadership style

Become a better leader. Find out if you are actually leading people in the right way, and discover how to motivate them to the maximum 

NBI Parenting style

How to better understand your child? Discover your parenting style and how to use it to reach your children

NBI Desired Job profile

Not sure which job is right for you? This test shows you what job you would excel at and what you will be best at.

NBI Innovator

You know you are a good innovator but you don't know how to monetize it? Discover how your brain creates new ideas and solutions!

NBI Business Relationship Style

Do you want your team to run smoothly? Discover how you communicate and how you can improve relationships at work.

NBI Client Relationship Style

If your customers aren't staying, it's time to figure out how you're actually communicating with them and what you can fix

NBI Creativity Style

Want to use your creativity? Discover what drives your best ideas, and create a career tailored to you.

NBI Learning Style

What if you could learn faster and more efficiently? Find out which learning style suits you best.

NBI Relationship style

Love, work, friends... This test reveals how you build and maintain relationships, and helps you get better at it.

NBI Teacher

If you're a teacher, discover how your teaching style affects students and how you can be an even better supporter.

NBI Personal Negativity

What is holding you back in life? Identify negative patterns and turn the game in your favor.

NBI Young Child Indicator

Do you want to help your preschooler or schoolchild develop according to their talents? This test lets you do just that!

If you are not sure which estimate to choose, write to us!

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