Blog o karijeri i traženju posla
Dobrodošli u moderno traženje posla! To je definitivno najvažniji predmet, koji u školi sigurno niste učili.
Zato je ovaj blog dizajniran tako da vam ponudi ideje u vezi sa zanimanjima koja su danas tražena na tržištu rada, kao i načinima kako da do njih dođete. Zbog toga je blog podijeljen u dvije rubrike.
Odaberite rubriku “Zanimljive karijere” ako još ne znate čime sve možete da se bavite.
U rubrici “Kafa sa regruterom” naći ćete savjete u vezi sa razvojem karijere, iz ugla regrutera.

Everyone is doing it wrong - here's what you need to do differently while searching for a job
Most people are looking for a job in the old, outdated way - they send CVs and cover letters, apply through job platforms, and that doesn't bring them results. But it won't be you, because after this post you'll be strategically looking for a job!

Why is career change so frightening?
We are debunking myths and fear of career change. Discover how to overcome uncertainty and steps towards a successful career transition.

Do I Need a LinkedIn Profile?
Discover why a LinkedIn profile is essential for your career, and how to use it effectively to build an online reputation and find job opportunities.

Experience vs. Degree: What is more important?
We uncover how employers value experience relative to formal education and how this impacts your career.

The candidate blacklist and how to end up on it?
Learn how to avoid mistakes that can put you on the candidate blacklist and improve your chances of getting hired.

5 Reasons Why No One Responds to Your Emails
Why your emails go unanswered and how to improve for successful communication with employers. We'll show you the mistakes and concrete solutions.

Interview for a Language School Job
If you are a philologist who sees yourself in language teaching, this path will involve a CV, a trial lesson, and a job interview.

Who is a Scrum Master and why is one needed in every company?
Learn about the importance of Scrum Masters in agile teams and how they contribute to project success.

Virtual Assistant: A Job You Can Do from Home, No Degree Needed!
Explore the world of virtual assistants – a job you can do from home. Tips for starting and developing a career in this dynamic and flexible role.

Copywriter: The Master of Copy That Drives Sales
Discover the secrets of successful copywriting that can transform sales. Tips for building a career in copywriting and the key skills for success.

Career as a UI/UX Designer: A Blend of Creativity, Psychology, and Functionality!
Dive into the world of UI/UX design, where creativity meets technology. Discover what it takes to build a successful career in this dynamic field.

How to Become a RECRUITER and Build a Career in Talent Acquisition?
Discover how to become a recruiter and possibly participate in shaping the future of employment. Steps, skills, and opportunities...

Data Analyst: a career for those who love numbers
Explore how Data Analysts transform data into decisions. Learn about the skills, job market, and how to start a career in this vital profession.

Social Media Career: Why Everyone Wants to Become a Social Media Manager?
How to become a Social Media Manager and why is this a key profession in digital marketing.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning? Are you ready to shape the future?
Discover how you can join the revolutionary world of AI and machine learning. Learn about the key skills and their impact on the future of technology.