
Career as a UI/UX Designer: A Blend of Creativity, Psychology, and Functionality!

Bojana Perović

Career coach & Talent Acquisition Specialist

If you are passionate about design, love creating user experiences, and want to be part of the digital revolution, this is the right profession for you!

Not so long ago, at a networking event, two guys met.

And as it often goes during introductions, after the initial introductions, a series of questions about careers followed:

  • "You're from Nikšić, oh that's great. And what do you do for a living?"
  • "UI/UX designer..."
  • "Huh? Buddy, are you okay?!"


Most people have never heard of the profession of a UI/UX designer, but we decided to change that with this blog 🙂 The reason is that in today's digital world, the role of a UI/UX designer is becoming more significant than ever before.

What's most important is that the opportunity for success in this career does not depend on formal education, so if you are someone who loves to combine creativity, aesthetics, and technology, this career might be right for you. Imagining and creating interactive user interfaces and experiences for digital products is an exciting challenge that never stops. After all, ask UI/UX designers, and they will tell you 🙂

Who is this UI/UX designer guy from the beginning of the story, and what does he do?

As a UI/UX designer, your creativity will be at the forefront, so forget the usual frameworks and let your imagination run wild! Your responsibilities will include designing visually appealing interfaces, finding the perfect colors and typography, and creating compositions that leave a strong impression.

In gamer terms: imagine you got a new video game. When you use it, you want it to be fun, easy to use, and to provide a great experience, right?

Well, that's where UI/UX design comes into play!

UI stands for "User Interface," and UX stands for "User Experience." UI design refers to the look and feel of things on the screen, such as colors, images, and buttons. UX design focuses on creating an intuitive and satisfying experience, meaning how you feel while playing the game – whether it's easy to understand how to use it and whether it gives you a good feeling while using it.

UI/UX design is often handled by the same person, while in larger teams, there are separate roles for UI designers and UX designers. They work together and think about how to make things easy to use, look good, and make the user happy while using them. That's why they talk a lot with the people who will use these things to find out what they like and what they want, so they can create the best possible design.

This role, besides researching user needs, involves developing design concepts, prototyping, interface testing, and continuous improvement to deliver the best possible solution.

Is it easy to find a job as a UI/UX designer?

The answer to this question depends on various factors, such as your skills, portfolio, experience, and the job market. The good news is that the demand for UI/UX design experts is still on the rise. Many companies and startups understand the importance of quality user experiences and hire UI/UX designers to improve their digital products and services.

There are various platforms, websites, and agencies that help connect designers with potential employers, and you can also find clients and projects independently.

How much does a UI/UX designer earn?

Of course, the earnings of a UI/UX designer primarily vary based on experience, skills, geographic location, and the industry in which they work. Generally, we are talking about quite decent salaries for our region. If you work remotely for a US agency or company, you can expect up to €30 per hour, while the best freelancers charge as much as €80 per hour for their services!

What skills and qualities are necessary to be a successful UI/UX designer?

  1. Creativity: It's essential to think outside the box and create innovative solutions that will attract and engage users.
  2. Aesthetic Sense: Understanding design principles, colors, typography, and composition is crucial. UI/UX designers need to have a good taste for aesthetics and the ability to create visually appealing interfaces.
  3. Technical Expertise: Knowledge of tools and technologies used in UI/UX design, such as Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator), Sketch, Figma, prototyping software (e.g., InVision, Axure), and HTML/CSS, is important for efficient job performance.
  4. Research and User Understanding: UI/UX designers must be able to understand users' needs, goals, and preferences. This includes interviewing users, analyzing competitors, and gathering feedback.
  5. Prototyping and Testing: It's important for UI/UX designers to quickly create interface prototypes to test ideas and concepts with real users. The ability to gather feedback and adapt designs based on it is key to creating an optimized user experience.
  6. Teamwork: UI/UX designers often work in teams with developers, project managers, and other experts. Therefore, good communication skills, the ability to collaborate, and flexibility to work in a group are important.
  7. Analytical Skills: Understanding analytics and interpreting data can help UI/UX designers identify weaknesses in interfaces and improve user experience. Analytical skills can also help in tracking performance and measuring the success of design solutions.
  8. Persistence and Openness to Feedback: UI/UX design requires an iterative process, where the design is constantly improved based on user and team feedback. Being open to criticism and the ability to accept and implement changes are crucial for growth and success in this field.



If you love the combination of creativity, technology, and creating unforgettable user experiences, UI/UX design is the profession for you! Regardless of formal education, with the right skills and portfolio, you can find a job or work independently on projects.

Note: It’s not as easy as all those video tutorials claim. Since this is one of the most sought-after professions today, you will surely find a lot of courses titled "How to Become a UI/UX Designer in Just 10 Days," but don’t fall into that trap.

Anything of quality requires work and effort, so if this blog has piqued your interest in this topic, consider this just the beginning of your journey.

BONUS: Quick ChatGPT Tip

Choose your resources wisely. Set your priorities in advance.

Bojana Perović

I am Bojana and together with the Minuta do posla team, I have been researching careers and writing a blog about it for 8 years.

I am a certified NLB consultant, which means that, if you choose me as your mentor, with the help of a simple questionnaire I can peek into your mind, discover how you process information, make important decisions and behave in the workplace.

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